Practiced on a soft floor mat in loose-fitting clothes, Shiatsu blends Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western massage techniques. Involving stretching, holding, and leaning body weight into various parts of the recipient's body, Shiatsu focuses on moving energy along specific pathways (acupuncture meridians) to clear blocked energy or strengthen depleted energy. In addition, this approach improves blood circulation, flexibility, posture and body awareness.
Also known as hands-on healing or energy work, Reiki teaches that each of us is responsible for our own healing. Remarkable in its simplicity, this approach involves the practitioner as a channel for ki or qi - the healing energy of the universe that is available to all of us. In a Reiki session, specific positions for the laying on of hands, guided meditation or coached breath work may be involved, but the overall focus is to create a safe place for clients to receive and make use of universal life force energy.
Swedish Massage
Classic Swedish massage focuses on health promotion and wellness. Techniques include various manipulations of the body's soft tissues to achieve muscle relaxation, pain relief, improved circulation of blood and lymph, restoration of metabolic balance, and improved joint mobility. Stress reduction, psychological healing and physical pleasure also are important parts of the Swedish massage experience.
Structural Integration
Structural Integration is an advanced form of body work that works to achieve proper alignment of the human skeleton the field of gravity. Through deep, gentle manipulation of the body's layers of fascia (connective tissue), this approach creates length in the tissues of the body, better flow of the fluid and energy through the tissues, and improved range of motion. similar to Rolfing in its 10-session format, Structural Integration focuses on the client comfort and control of the process, as well as gentle engagement, loving touch, emotional and spiritual healing.